Russian military brings 30 tons of relief aid to Syria

Six Russian trucks carrying some 30 tons of humanitarian aid reached the outskirts of Syria’s Damascus on Thursday, a spokesman for Russia’s Syrian reconciliation center said.

Every package contains sugar, rice, flour and canned meat. Every truck carried five tons of cargo," Fyodor Ochinsky said.

Food supplies will be handed out to residents of Eastern Ghouta, a so-called de-escalation zone created on the edge of the Syrian capital, the Russian news agency Sputnik reported. 

Russian trucks entered the cordoned off area through a checkpoint manned by Russian military police.

Last May, Russia, Iran and Turkey agreed on creating four de-escalation zones at a meeting in Kazakhstan’s Astana to improve humanitarian access to most affected areas of the country where over 220,000 people have died during six years of war.

Source: MENA