Gennady Gatilov

Russia is convinced that there are chances for progress in the Syrian settlement and joint efforts are needed to implement this in practice, Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said.

The high-ranking Russian diplomat confirmed Moscow’s principal position in comments to the recent statement of UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond that chances to fulfill agreements reached at the Munich security conference last week were "somewhere close to zero", according to TASS News Agency on Thursday.

"I would not make such pessimistic forecasts as the agreements in Munich have practical result," Gatilov said. "It is most important that political will is shown by both the warring parties and also those key states, first of all the whole region, and others that can have influence on the sides in the conflict and make them enter into a dialogue to launch political settlement in Syria".

"That’s why there are chances for progress and there is a need for joint efforts to do everything so that they are implemented in practice," the diplomat said stressing that Russia "for its part is ready for such a work with all the partners"

Source: MENA