Russian President Vladimir Putin and PM Narendra Modi.

Russia and India plan signing more than 20 documents at the end of the talks that Russian President Vladimir Putin is going to have with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a visit to New Delhi on October 4-5, Putin’s aide Yuri Ushakov told reporters on Tuesday.

"Apart from a conversation tete-a-tete, the sides will have talks with restricted attendance, then the talks in an extended format, and then a working breakfast as a continuation of the latter talks where ministers and leading businessmen will be present," Ushakov said.

"Next on the itinerary is the signing of bilateral documents, and there are many of them in the portfolio," he said. "We have 23 document at this moment and some of them are still in the phase of coordination."

He added that an informal meeting would take place on October 4, in the course of which the sides would exchange opinions on international and bilateral issues.

President Putin and Prime Minister Modi were expected to sign a joint statement on October 5, Ushakov said.