Azad Jammu and Kashmir President Sardar Masood Khan.

Azad Jammu and Kashmir President Sardar Masood Khan Saturday said meaningful education with emphasis on quality, self-development and creation of sustainable livelihood was our focus.
He made these remarks while addressing the oath talking ceremony of the newly appointed Metropolitan Students Council at a branch of private-sector school’s network.
Masood Khan congratulated the students on their selection and reiterated their responsibilities towards their institution, academics and the society.
He said these bodies would provide a great opportunity in sharpening their skills and enabling them to be a productive part of the society.
He said today private schools were providing quality education in Azad Kashmir by catering to over 35-40% of the total students.
He urged that constructive partnerships and interactions were essential between private and public sector educational institutions thereby helping raise the overall quality of education in the region.
The president said currently AJK had an 85% literacy rate and the highest educational scores in terms of learning, retention, enrollment and gender parity.
These numbers, he said, must be buttressed with quality and excellence from primary up to tertiary levels of education.
He said private schools had provided a great opportunity to the students in acquiring quality education and honing their skills.
He urged that an economic transformation was unfolding in AJK, and it was imperative that our schools and educational institutions provide market-relevant skills to help avoid mismatches and enable effective job-placement of its students.
He said the difference between a developed and non-developed nation was the quality of education it provided to its citizens.
He said the students of today would be the leaders of tomorrow, and the difference between a prosperous and backward country was the quality of leadership.
The president also said along with academics, it was pertinent to inculcate character-building and values during the formative years of our children.
He advised the students to value truthfulness and to always be faithful towards our Creator, parents, country and its people.
He said every student must concentrate on self-development, self-improvement and pursue excellence in all their endeavors.
“Take pride in being citizens of AJK. It is your destiny to make Pakistan a great nation”, he added.
He urged the students to never forget the sacrifices of our brothers and sisters in Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK). The people of IoK, the president said, are facing the worst form of torture and repression at the hands of the Indian occupation forces.
He said the people of Kashmir were peacefully leading an unarmed struggle for their right to self-determination which was their fundamental human right. As global citizens of today and future leaders, he urged the students to strive towards advocating the rights of the Kashmiri people and effectively engaging with the international community for this noble and just cause.
He at the event administered the oath onto the newly appointed student council and awarded them with honorary sashes. Regional Director of RIS Almaah Syed, Director Academics and Operations of RIS Tameema Tasnim, faculty members, students, parents and representatives of the local administration were also present on the occasion.

Source: APP