US Vice President Mike Pence on Wednesday vowed the US would not allow "the collapse of Venezuela," saying

US Vice President Mike Pence on Wednesday vowed the US would not allow "the collapse of Venezuela," saying such an event would -- endanger -- countries in the wider region. 

"The collapse of Venezuela will endanger all who call the Western Hemisphere home," Pence said in remarks delivered before some 600 people at a Catholic church in Doral, the heart of Miami’s Venezuelan community. 

"We cannot and will not let that happen," he said, adding that "working with our allies in the Latin American region, the US will confront and overcome all who dare to threaten our wellbeing." 

He emphasized that Venezuela’s "collapse" would "drive more illegal drug trafficking with its murderous consequences -- a notion his boss President Donald Trump has also pushed. 

The vice president gave his speech just back from his tour last week of Colombia, Argentina, Chile and Panama. Venezuela was among the key issues discussed. 

The country has spiraled into political and economic chaos, threatening regional stability. Clashes between protesters and police this year have left 125 people dead, according to prosecutors. 

In Miami Pence did not raise the specter of military action, which Trump has evoked

Source: NNA