Pakistan dispatches relief assistance to earthquake affectees in Iranز

Pakistan has dispatched a C-130 plane carrying relief assistance for the affectees of the deadly earthquake that struck Iran on November 12, 2017 and wreaked havoc particularly in the Western Iranian province of Kermanshah.
According to foreign office, the relief assistance consists of the items identified by the Iranian side in accordance with the relief requirements in the earthquake affected area. The consignment will reach Tehran tonight where it will be handed over to Iranian authorities.
The people and Government of Pakistan are deeply grieved at the immense loss of lives and destruction caused to our Iranian brothers in the earthquake that jolted the bordering regions of Iran and Iraq. The President and the Prime Minister, sent messages of solidarity with the Iranian people and offered all possible support by Pakistan in this hour of need.
The two brotherly countries have a tradition of helping each other during the natural calamities. The people of Pakistan appreciate and remember Iran ‘s help to Pakistan in the aftermath of the earthquake in 2005 and floods in 2010.

Source: APP