Ombudsman receives French delegation

Ombudsman Nawaf Mohammed Al-Maawda received here today the delegation of the French-Bahraini Friendship Group at the French national Assembly, led by its Secretary-General, MP Jean-Luc Reitzer, who was accompanied by a number of French MPs and businessmen, currently on a visit to the kingdom.
Al-Maawda welcomed the visit that, he said, consolidates parliamentary diplomacy, and reflects the advanced level of the Bahraini-French relations in many fields.
He briefed the French delegation about the terms of reference of the Office of the Ombudsman at the Interior Ministry, being the first of its kind in the region.
He stressed that the office was established to consolidate human rights respects in the fields of work of the Interior Ministry.
Al-Maawda also highlighted the Office of the Ombudsman's work mechanisms, especially regarding its ways of communicating with the public. He also shed light on its role in monitoring the work of reformation and rehabilitation centres, as well as the remand and detention centres, in collaboration with other competent institutions, including the Prisoners and Detainers Rights Commission (PDRC). 
He pointed out that international cooperation through embassies and diplomatic missions is the among the bases of the Office of the Ombudsman's strategy, noting that international cooperation contributes to exchanging expertise and information, and helps the office in devising and adjusting work plans in accordance with the international standards related to Ombudsman officers.

Source : BNA