Over the past two months, there have been many changes

The government will hold a special session each year to review and also report to the public the implementation progress of its key policy initiatives, the president said Wednesday, reaffirming his promise to honor his election pledges, including the creation of over 800,000 new government jobs within his term.

"The government will hold a report session chaired by the president at the end of each year to thoroughly review the implementation of its policy tasks and report it to the people," Moon Jae-in said.

The remarks came at a meeting with some 120 members of his de facto transition team, the State Affairs Planning Advisory Committee, where he was presented with five key policy objectives for his government, along with 100 tasks to achieve those goals.

Moon said his administration will continue to refine and improve the policy recommendations to make them practical and feasible, but noted he and his government have already begun implementing many of his election pledges included in the 100 policy tasks set forth by the committee.


"Over the past two months, there have been many changes. We are rebuilding the Republic of Korea that fell due to the influence-peddling scandal. The new government launched under difficult conditions, even without a transition team, but I can report we are now building a foundation to build a nation that is truly a nation," he told the meeting.

The new president took office on May 10, only one day after the country elected him in a rare presidential by-election caused by the ouster of his conservative predecessor Park Geun-hye over the bribery and influence peddling scandal involving the former leader's longtime friend Choi Soon-sil.

"The new government will carry on the spirit of the candlelight revolution," Moon said, referring to candlelight vigils that led to the impeachment of the former president.

"We will build a just Korea where all people are treated as sovereigns, where there will be no special privileges or unfair practices, discriminations or gaps," he added

Source: Yonhapnews