Malaysia’s Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the two Malaysians who were killed in a clash between

Malaysia’s Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the two Malaysians who were killed in a clash between Daesh militants and the Philippine security forces in the city of Marawi, Mindanao, Philippines, did not possess true Islamic education.
He said the two of them had instead sought a short-cut to heaven by doing the so-called act of jihad.
"They did not have any Islamic education, but they wanted to be martyrs," he said as he launched a Quran learning and recital programme at Al Hidayah Mosque on Saturday, Malaysia’s news agency Bernama reported.
Two Malaysians were believed to be among 13 militants killed in the clash in southern Philippines.
The clash occurred when the Philippine forces were hunting down Abu Sayyaf leader, Isnilon Hapilon, and the Maute group, who have ties with Daesh, in Marawi.
Zahid said those who did not understand the Quran were more inclined to engage in terrorism, as they often misinterpreted the scriptures contained in the holy book.
He said they also became obsessed with certain individuals who made use of religion, and performed acts that deviated from the teachings of the Quran.
Zahid, who is also Home Minister, said a study conducted by the ministry found that 87 per cent of those involved in terrorist activities did not have basic religious education.
He said the government had taken the measure of detaining individuals involved with terrorist groups and conducting de-radicalisation programmes to rehabilitate them.
"We pray that no acts of terrorism occur in our country," he added.

Source: BNA