A peace activist who has camped in London\'s Parliament Square since 2001 may still be there when Prince William is married despite efforts to evict him. Brian Haw, 62, lost his bid Friday to remain in Parliament Square Gardens when the Court of Appeal upheld London Parks and Gardens Trust\'s right to evict him, The Independent reported. But he can stay in the square for some time longer if he is willing to sleep on pavement because the sidewalks around the square are controlled by the Westminster Council and that appeal is not scheduled to be heard until May 9. The marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton is scheduled for April 29. Haw, who is suffering from cancer, was in Germany for treatment Friday and may miss the wedding but his supporters say they will be in Parliament Square. \"We will definitely be here on the day of the royal wedding,\" Brenda Williams, a poet who has been backing up Haw for five years, told the Independent. She said the protest\'s 10th anniversary is in late May, and the peace activists hope to reach that point still in Parliament Square.