Japan’s Emperor Akihito will step down on March 31, 2019, a Japanese daily newspaper reported today, noting

Japan’s Emperor Akihito will step down on March 31, 2019, a Japanese daily newspaper reported today, noting that the imperial retirement will be the first of its kind in more than 200 years.
According to the “Asahi Shimbu” daily newspaper, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will meet top officials and members of the royal household in November before announcing the official date.
Last year, the 83-year-old Akihito shocked the country when he signaled his desire to step down after nearly three decades, citing his age and health problems.

In June, the Japanese parliament passed a one-off rule allowing the ageing emperor to step down within three years, which will pave the way for Akihito’s eldest son, 57-year-old Crown Prince Naruhito, to ascend the Chrysanthemum Throne the next day on April 1, 2019, the paper added

Source: BNA