Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukri

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukri said Tuesday it is high time the international community adopted a clear stance regarding terrorism which is considered the number one enemy of diversity and peaceful coexistence in our societies.

Addressing an International Conference on 'Religious and Cultural Pluralism and Peaceful Coexistence in the Middle East', Shoukry said pluralism is of cosmic nature and a source of balance. He noted that the Middle East is the heart of the world and the axis of its history and interaction.

He stressed that the screams of the victims of Daesh in Syria and Iraq will always remind us of the big responsibility on our shoulders.

He cited the pivotal role by the political and religious leaderships in blocking the sources of hatred and ethnic discrimination.

He expressed deep concern over the rising calls for discrimination against immigrants and minorities in Europe.
In his speech at the International Conference on 'Religious and Cultural Pluralism and Peaceful Coexistence in the Middle East', Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukri said that countries of the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean region have always faced common challenges over the history and that they now also shoulder collective responsibility for confronting hatred, violence and terrorism.

The Egyptian state stressed repeatedly that the successful way to address such challenges is by maintaining the unity of the national states including regional countries that suffer from conflicts, Shoukry noted, adding that the unity of such countries should be supported to enable them to combat division and shoulder their responsibilities in protecting citizens.

Finding an immediate and just solution for the Palestinian cause and suffering of the Palestinian people should be prioritized within the framework of promoting values of dialogue, coexistence and justice while leaving this cause unresolved would result in more desperation and hatred, Shoukry pointed out. 

He referred to the political, economic, social and cultural challenges emerged by the flow of refugees and immigrants.

He affirmed that Egypt has suffered from terrorism that hit both Muslims and Christians, pointing out to the latest Wahat terrorist group that killed a number of Egyptian security personnel. 

He reiterated the necessity of eliminating funding sources of terrorism as well as political, military and logistic support provided for terrorist groups.

Egypt believes that confronting terrorism prerequisites a comprehensive strategy comprising several dimensions Shoukry said, adding that such vision was the core of the strategy presented by President Abdel Fattah El Sisi in Jeddah in May.

Egypt’s strategy involves dialogue and mutual understanding between religions and cultures to uproot terrorism in addition to the need of renewing religious discourse which represents pivotal issue for the Egyptian people and the Islamic nation to promote moderate teachings, the top diplomat added.

He voiced Egypt’s keenness on supporting peace and stability in the Middle East countries and eliminating hatred.

Source: MENA