Federal National Council

The Federal National Council, FNC, delegation, headed by Dr. Amal Abdullah Al Qubaisi, Speaker of FNC, concluded its successful participation in the meetings of the 137th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, IPU, and the Governing Council in its 201st session and the Standing Committees of the IPU, which was held in the city of Saint Petersburg last week.

The FNC delegation held talks on the sidelines of the meetings within the framework of integrating and supporting intensified efforts by the official diplomacy to strengthen co-operation with different countries in all fields, especially parliamentary. This expresses the stances of the UAE on various national, regional and international events and issues.

The 137th session of the IPU Assembly witnessed unprecedented attendance of some 829 delegates, 82 speakers of parliament, 64 deputy speakers of parliament, and 249 female delegates As part of its keenness to keep up with the directives of the country’s leadership, its foreign policies, and defend the issues it adopts, especially those related to strengthening international security and human rights, the FNC presented an urgent clause. It was met with agreement by the member parliaments in the IPU. Based on the humanitarian suffering of the Rohingya minority, the clause was entitled, "Ending the dangerous humanitarian crisis and the persecution and violent attacks on Rohingya, considering it a threat to international peace and security, and guaranteeing their unconditional and safe return to their country of Myanmar."

The Arab Group unanimously entrusted Dr. Amal Al Qubaisi with the responsibility of deliberating and co-coordinating with other geopolitical groups that have proposed clauses related to the Rohingya minority. This proves the effective role and accomplishments that were achieved during the previous participation.

In the urgent clause, the FNC demanded strong condemnation of the serious violations of human rights, including the loss of many innocent souls in Rakhine State of Myanmar, especially the vile practice of "racial cleansing." It also called on the Myanmar government to stop these violations immediately and guarantee full respect, human rights and basic liberties for everyone, without discrimination due to race or religion.

It further urged the international community, especially the United Nations, to look seriously into taking additional measures to treat the current crisis in Myanmar. It asked the United Nations to urgently send a fact-finding delegation to Myanmar to conduct a complete and independent investigation into the alleged brutal acts and serious violations of human rights in the Rakhine State.

In her speech during the meetings of the IPU Assembly, Dr. Al Qubaisi stressed that the UAE’s efforts, in co-operation with its regional and international partners, to consolidate security and stability, achieve peace, and combat terrorism and terrorist organisations, often clash with the opposing roles of certain countries, which are in opposition to civilisation and humanity, that use these organisations as tools to achieve their interests and preserve their sovereignty and national gains, without consideration for the rights of all people to live in security.

"The UAE has taken, in co-operation with certain brotherly countries, measures to guarantee its sovereignty, as a form of self-defense and protection for the security of our people," she said.

"We have no doubt that cutting off funding for terrorism and drying up its sources is one of the most important methods of countering the risks of this malicious phenomenon, and countering extremist and violent ideologies is a necessary step that has no alternatives," she added.

"The UAE aims to continue its commitment and steady approach to offering aid and humanitarian and relief support to all countries and people in need, without discrimination, and we will not lose hope for the benefit of our humanitarian message and civilised goals, while spreading peace and the values of giving, and limiting the dangers of evil," Al Qubaisi added.

"Based on our commitment to these principles, we condemn violations against humanity everywhere, and we condemn the delay in providing medicine and humanitarian aid to millions of Yemenis in the areas controlled by the Houthi and Saleh militias. We also condemn the use of children as human shields in the battlefields by these militias, along with the crimes against humanity committed against the Rohingya minority in Myanmar," she stressed.

"We, in the UAE, believe that we have an important humanitarian duty and commitment. The UAE, which has, since its establishment, adopted the principles and values that were established by its founder, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, sees that its success in creating an ideal model of co-existence and tolerance dictates the necessity of its serious and ongoing work, to create pluralism and community spirit and build a world where everyone can be secure and peaceful. The UAE’s message, which is part of the directives of President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, has employed the slogan, the "Year of Giving," along with its efforts and humanitarian initiatives, to spread giving around our region and the entire world," she concluded.