Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Prime Minister Imran Khan Saturday said elimination of corrupt practices in Punjab was one of the biggest challenges and stressed upon the Punjab cabinet members to make it their first priority to identify corrupt practices and take strict action against the corrupt elements.
The prime minister was discussing various reforms with the provincial cabinet members after his arrival at the CM Secretariat.
He said performance of the Punjab government should be a trend setter for rest of the provinces.
Prime Minister Imran Khan expressed serious concern over land grabbing and encroachments in the province in general and Lahore in particular. He directed that mafias and big groups, who had been involved in encroachments and land grabbing, must be taken to task.
He directed the chief minister to immediately launch an anti-encroachment drive and take action against land grabbers, and assured his fullest support to the provincial government in that regard.
The prime minister emphasized the need of austerity and simplicity, and said that the cabinet members should set an example while remaining at the forefront to remove extravagance on taxpayers’ money at all levels.
“We must invest on human development while rationalising our expenditures simultaneously with austerity and simplicity because Pakistan has the lowest Human Development Index in the region,” a press release quoted the prime minister as saying.
Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar warmly welcomed the prime minister on behalf of the provincial cabinet and reaffirmed the commitment to implement Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s reforms and development agenda of a ‘Naya Pakistan’.
The prime minister felicitated the provincial cabinet members on assuming their portfolios and said huge responsibility lay on their shoulders as Punjab was the biggest province of the country in terms of population. He urged the provincial cabinet to work tirelessly for implementation of 100 days agenda of the present government to bring a visible change in the socio-economic spheres of the people’s lives.
He said he would be frequently visiting the province and would remain at the forefront to oversee the First 100 Days Agenda.
The cabinet members also shared their ideas and proposals, concerning their departments, with the prime minister.
Earlier, the prime minister held a meeting with the Punjab chief minister. He also planted a sapling upon arrival at the Chief Minister Secretariat.