Cuban deputy foreign minister Avelardo Moreno reiterated at the UN Security Council the island's determinatio

Cuban deputy foreign minister Avelardo Moreno reiterated at the UN Security Council the island's determination to cooperate with international efforts to fight Ebola in western and central Africa.

The Ebola situation in Africa demands the collaboration of all countries, said Moreno who recalled that Cuba responded to the request of UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon and World Health Organization Margaret Chan to join the Ebola campaign.

Cuba is also willing to contribute to the prevention of the disease in the rest of the region that has not yet been affected, where over 4 thousand Cuban doctors are currently working, Moreno announced and explained that the medical brigades that will depart for Africa are part of the Henry Reeve International Contingent, set up in 2005, and made up of professionals specialized in situations of disasters and large epidemics.

The Cuban response ratified the supportive values that have led the Cuban Revolution, which imply sharing what we have and not what we have left, Moreno stressed and added that Africa is now waiting for the immediate response of all UN member states and particularly those that have enough resources.

Humanity has a debt with the African countries, we cannot let them down, he concluded

Source: KUNA