Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic unexpectedly dismissed on Thursday three ministers and members of the junior party from the government.
Plenkovic decided to expel minister of justice, minister of the interior and minister of environmental protection and energy, all three members of the party the Bridge, after they supported the opposition request for the launch of the confidence vote for the minister of finance.
The opposition wants to dismiss minister of finance because he was one of the directors in Agrokor, the biggest private company in Croatia that is struggling to avoid collapse.
The sudden decision made by Plenkovic put the government at risk, as the ruling party doesn't enjoy a majority in the parliament.
Croatian media reports say the government will barely survive this crisis.
Bozo Petrov, the Bridge party leader, said Thursday that the prime minister is trying to demolish the government.
Croatian government is in power only six months.

Source: Xinhua