Prime Minister of France, Bernard Cazeneuve and Nouhad Machnouk

Prime Minister of France, Bernard Cazeneuve, called on Thursday for a swift holding of legislative elections in Lebanon, to ensure fair representation of all parties. 

French PM Cazeneuve confirmed, in his message to Interior and Municipalities Minister Nouhad Machnouk, that the consolidation of Franco-Lebanese relations and the deepening of bilateral cooperation were a priority for the French Government. 

The French Premier did not fail to congratulate Machnouk for maintaining the Interior Ministry's portfolio in Hariri's government. 

Cazeneuve also hoped that the revitalization of Lebanese institutions, which began with the election of President Michel Aoun, will continue, reiterating France's commitment to Lebanese sovereignty and unity. 

"France will stand next to Lebanon to help it deal with the repercussions of the Syrian crisis and terrorism," he concluded.

Source :NNA