A confident Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Friday said elections would be held between August

 A confident Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Friday said elections would be held between August and October but, after a period of political turmoil, warned he would not hand out sweeteners for voters. 

The Liberal leader is expected to win the vote, which must be held by late January 2017, and consolidate his power in Canberra after Australia changed prime minister five times in as many years. 

"There will be an election... in August, September, October, in the latter part of the year," the self-made millionaire told 3AW commercial radio. 

But Turnbull, who ousted premier Tony Abbott in a September coup calling for better management of Australia's economy, said there would be no spending hikes as the government tackles a booming structural deficit. 

"This is not going to be a fistful-of-dollars election campaign," he said. 

"My view is that the Australian electorate are very well attuned to the difficult financial situation that the government faces, and the fact that it is in deficit. 

"It will certainly be a tight budget," added the former investment banker, whose coalition government enjoys a strong poll lead over the opposition Labor party.-

Source: NNA