President Putin and President Al-Bashir.

Sudan has commended the support being extended to it by the Russian Federation in the Security Council and the Human Rights Council .
The Foreign Minister, Prof. Ibrahim Ghandour, told SUNA that President Al-Bashir has conveyed Sudan's appreciation to Russia for its continued support to the country in the international forum, top of them, is the UN Security Council and the Human Rights Council .
The minister underlined that President Al-Bashir has made it clear that without the Russian support to Sudan in the UN Security Council the country would have faced many problems.
He said that President Al-Bashir has demanded continuation of the Russian support to Sudan at the UN Security Council and the Geneva based-Human Rights Council to protect Sudan against the foreign interference which threatens its security and stability .
He indicated that President Al-Bashir has referred to the attempts aimed at stopping the exports of the Sudanese gold .
He pointed out that President Al-Bashir has announced that the Russian President has affirmed his country's support to Sudan in all forums, adding that President Putin has affirmed to Al-Bashir that Russia is well aware of Sudan's important role in the region .
Prof. Ghandour concluded that the Russian Head of State has appreciated Sudan's support to Russia in all international forums including Network, Geneva and the Hague .

Source: SUNA