A suicide bomber wearing an army uniform killed 10 people at a NATO military base in eastern Afghanistan Saturday, military officials said. The attack killed five NATO troops and five Afghan military personnel, NATO said. At least eight other Afghan soldiers and interpreters were injured, The New York Times reported. The BBC said a man wearing an Afghan army uniform passed security at the Gamberi base at the border of Laghman and Nangahar provinces at 7:30 a.m. and then detonated a bomb he was wearing. The nationalities of the NATO troops killed won\'t be disclosed until family members are notified, the coalition said. A spokesman for the Muslim fundamentalist Taliban group, Zabiullah Mujahid, told media the suicide bomber was a recent recruit, the Times said. \"We had recruited this man one month ago and he was serving as an Afghan soldier for the last month,\" he said. \"These kind of attacks are very useful for us these attacks inflict more casualties to the enemy and does not inflict any civilians casualties.\" The Afghan military and government denied the bomber was an enlisted soldier. The BBC said army and police uniforms – real or replicated -- are widely available in markets throughout the country.