Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit

Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit sent messages to the UN high commissioner for refugees, the head of the International Committee of the Red Cross, the director-general of WHO, the director-general of the International Organization for Migration and the executive director of UNICEF urging them for taking action to improve conditions the Syrian city of Aleppo. 

A statement by the league said on Monday that the messages tackled the critical humanitarian situation facing large numbers of civilians in Syria, especially in Aleppo city following military operations conducted over the past months.

Many civilians were displaced by the fighting in Syria amid cruel and difficult conditions, the statement said, describing the situation in Syria as "humanitarian catastrophe".

The statement said the AL secretary general urged officials of the organizations and agencies to immediately and actively intervene to handle the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Aleppo city.

Source: MENA