Secretary General of the Arab League Ahmed Abul Gheit

Secretary General of the Arab League Ahmed Abul Gheit discussed Thursday with Portuguese Foreign Minister Augusto Silva the latest developments on the regional and international arena. 

In a statement, AL Secretary General's spokesman Mahmoud Afifi said both sides discussed the conditions in Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Iraq and Libya, adding that Abul Gheit appreciated the supporting Portuguese stances of the Palestinian issue at international forums.

Meantime, Silva stressed that Portugal is keen on supporting the Palestinian people and their legal rights. 

The secretary general noted that the Portuguese role is vital to achieve more EU understanding of the Arab priorities. 

The meeting tackled activating the memorandum of understanding signed between the General Secretariat of the AL and Portugal in 2007 regarding the mechanism of the political discussion, Afifi added. 

The Portuguese minister invited Abul Gheit to visit Lisbon to gibe a boost to political discussion mechanism.

Source: MENA