Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit

Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit said US Secretary of State John Kerry's speech reflects an honest inclination, even it comes late, toward settling the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in a fair, everlasting and final way.

Kerry's speech carries a new balanced vision aiming to help reach a final solution to the conflict despite agreeing or disagreeing on some details of it that can only be settled through negotiations, Abul Gheit told reporters accredited to the AL on Thursday.

He described Kerry's speech as "serious" and must be taken seriously.

Abul Gheit said he agreed with the balanced approach that there is no alternative to the two-state solution and the necessity of applying this solution by stopping Israeli settlement activities, which are an obstacle to any future settlement, based on the land-for-peace principle.

He also highlighted the importance of establishing a viable and independent Palestinian state on the basis of the June 4, 1967 borders in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, with al Quds as its capital and as per the Arab initiative for peace.

Source: MENA