Some 77 Islamic and youth organizations in West Aceh district staged a rally on Friday to show their solidarity with

Some 77 Islamic and youth organizations in West Aceh district staged a rally on Friday to show their solidarity with Palestine and to denounce the US unilateral recognition of Jerusalem as Israel`s capital.

The rally which began at 02.00 p.m. local time took place in the yard of Baitul Makmur Grand Mosque in Meulaboh, West Aceh, after the demonstrators performed Friday prayers.

Hundreds of people including students and non-governmental organization activists joined the rally.

"Rekindle the spirit of struggle. Islamic youths are those who love their religion, their country and their brothers. Don`t become youths who ignore their fellow Muslims," Fitriadi Lanta of the Indonesian National Youth Committee (KNPI) said.

During the demonstrators carried the Indonesian and Palestinian flags and their organizations` attributes in show of solidarity with Palestine

Source: ANTARA