The Social Democratic Union of Macedonia

The Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM), the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) and Alliance for Albanians agreed on Friday to form a new government in Macedonia which will led by head of SDSM, Zoran Zaev, local media reported.

Zaev told reporters that the three parties had agreed on a joint government coalition. He stressed that the new government would focus on delivering a number of major reforms and restoring confidence in institutions.

According to him, the new government of Macedonia is determined for unity, sovereignty and stability of the country.

Meanwhile, the head of DUI Ali Ahmeti said that all issues concerning the voting of the new government had already been harmonized.

On the other hand, DUI spokesman Bujar Osmani told local media on Friday that the DUI had nominated Talat Xhaferi for the post of the speaker of Macedonia's Parliament.

"We believe Xhaferi will efficiently perform his duty as head of parliament in times of deep divisions in parliament. This appointment is one of the DUI's pledges that ­one of the three top state positions in the country to be taken up by an (ethnic) Albanian," DUI spokesperson said.

source: Xinhua