Chinese police Thursday repatriated 122 telecom fraud suspects from Cambodia

Chinese police Thursday repatriated 122 telecom fraud suspects from Cambodia.

Two planes carrying the suspects touched down at Chengdu Shuangliu International airport in Sichuan Province Thursday night. Handcuffed and masked, each suspect was led by two police officers as they disembarked the aircraft.

The suspects were captured by Cambodian immigration officers in Poipet, Banteay Meanchey Province, on August 2. Mobile phones, bank cards, computers, and illegally collected personal information data of Chinese citizens were confiscated.

The Cambodian authorities acted on a tip-off from a team of Sichuan police, who went to Cambodia in June to investigate telecom fraud and had repatriated the first 17 suspects.

Sichuan police said they have repatriated 197 telecom fraud suspects from Cambodia and Indonesia so far this year

Source: XINHU