One person was taken into custody Monday evening during a pro-Donald Trump rally outside the CNN building in

One person was taken into custody Monday evening during a pro-Donald Trump rally outside the CNN building in Hollywood. But it wasn’t a Trump supporter who was taken away in handcuffs by Los Angeles police, it was a woman who allegedly spat on one of the demonstrators, then dashed into a nearby coffee shop. 

"The woman that they’re arresting right now spit on me. I had another gentleman spit in my face," said Margaret Schofield as she carried a "Chino for Trump" sign. 

The female suspect was being held on a battery count, a spokesman with the Los Angeles Police Department said. 

The protesters gathered at the corner of Sunset and Cahuenga boulevards to speak out against what they perceive as pro-Hillary Clinton media bias and to demand CNN "be more truthful" in its coverage of the 2016 presidential election. 

"The things that I see on CNN, it really is beyond bias and slant," said Dorothy Caruso of Costa Mesa. "It’s the Clinton News Network." 

While Caruso stood to the west of the CNN building, she said she was confronted by someone who obviously isn’t a Trump supporter. 

"Somebody had a temper tantrum, abused my Women for Trump sign," said Caruso as she held up a homemade poster that had been torn apart. 

Dubbed "Truth 4 Hillary/CNN Post Debate Rally," the protest drew about 20 Trump supporters from across Orange, Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties. The organizers included a group called San Fernando Valley 4 Trump. 

"Donald Trump is a patriot. I believe in what he says," explained San Fernando Valley resident Jay Stern who waved an American flag. 

Schofield, one of the most vocal protesters, chanted "Bill Clinton is a rapist" on a bullhorn. She also described former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as a "criminal." 

"She let four men die in Benghazi. She has blood on her hands," said Schofield. 

There was even a protester from Tennessee. 

"I am supporting Trump and Pence," explained Tennessean Thomas Barkley. 

Barkley, who is African American, drew stares from passersby with his anti-Hillary sign. 

Another African-American man carried a "Blacks for Trump" sign. 

The contentious rally came one day after an even more contentious debate between Democratic nominee Clinton and Republican nominee Trump. 

During their second face-off Sunday, the two candidates traded insults with Clinton saying Trump’s lewd comments about women show "exactly who he is." Meanwhile, Trump accused Clinton of attacking women involved in husband Bill’s extramarital affairs and promised she would "be in jail" if he were president. 

The town-hall style debate was moderated by ABC’s Martha Raddatz and CNN’s Anderson Cooper. 

Marilyn Brier of Hermosa Beach said she watched the debate and was unimpressed with Cooper’s performance. 

"I believe he’s a bit of a puppet," Brier said about the CNN anchor. She was also unhappy with the cable network’s post-debate analysis. 

"I don’t believe CNN ever reports things with an unbiased eye," she complained. 

As for the videotape in which Trump is heard bragging about how his fame allowed him to "do anything" to women, Melvin Spicer of Reseda insisted he wasn’t bothered by it. 

"He apologized to the country. He apologized to his wife," said Spicer, who then referenced the rape allegations against Bill Clinton. 

Spicer, who protested from his wheelchair, carried a sign saying "Protect the Second Amendment." He expressed concerns that Hillary Clinton wants to infringe on the right to bear arms. 

"I believe that she does want to take our guns away," he said.

Source: NNA