Anti-government protesters burn tyres during a demonstration in  Taez

Anti-government protesters burn tyres during a demonstration in  Taez   Yemeni police killed one person and wounded several others when they opened fire on anti-regime demonstrators marching in the city of Taez on Tuesday, a medic and witnesses said. Police fired "indiscriminately" on protesters demanding the departure of President Ali Abdullah Saleh in the Wadi al-Qadi district of Taez, the second most-populated city of Yemen south of Sanaa, according to witnesses. Several people received gunshot wounds, including a passer-by who was seriously injured after being shot while in his car, witnesses said. The passer-by, Talaat Abdullah Ghaleb, died of his wounds in a Taez hospital about two hours after being shot, a medic said. Organisers of the protest also said that four people, including a newspaper photographer, were arrested by security forces. Yemen's opposition remained adamant that veteran Saleh step down immediately, ahead of talks set for Tuesday between Gulf mediators and the government. More than 125 people have been killed in the protests which broke out across the impoverished state late January.