US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

The United States has urged the European Union to impose sanctions on Iran for its missile programme.

The US special representative for Iran, Brian Hook, on Monday rejected Iran's assertion that its weapons programme is defensive in nature.

"How exactly is the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism entitled to a claim of defense? In fact, Iran’s security concerns are entirely self-generated," Hook told reporters on a flight to Brussels, where US  Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will attend a meeting of NATO foreign ministers Tuesday.

"We would like to see the European Union move sanctions that target Iran’s missile programme," Hook added.

Washington accuses Iran of having conducted a fresh rocket test that the US says contravenes UN resolution 2231.

The US has withdrawn from the 2015 multilateral deal with Iran meant to prevent it from obtaining nuclear weapons.

The nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, was finalized in 2015 in Vienna by Iran and six world powers.

Iran has stuck with the deal, but the US has re-imposed sanctions against it.

Europe, China and Russia have criticized the US withdrawal from the agreement, to which they too are parties.