Hamas leaders in Gaza are at loggerheads with Egypt after Cairo blacklisted 5,000 people from using the Rafah border crossing, officials said. Security officials met Tuesday night in an effort to iron out the difficulties caused by the blacklist drawn up by Egypt that prevents those on the list from using the border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, Ma\'an news agency reported Wednesday. On May 28, Egypt announced it was opening the border crossing on a daily basis. On the first day of operations 530 Palestinians used the crossing with the Gaza Strip and on the second day 845 Palestinians passed through with 722 on the third day, the news agency said. Officials at the terminal have encountered difficulties in dealing with the large influx of people, the agency said, causing tensions to rise. At Tuesday\'s meeting a decision was made to limit the number of people permitted to use the crossing to 400 each day. Officials said a list would be posted the day before with the names of those permitted to cross, the agency said. Officials said priority would be given to those seeking medical assistance and students, the agency said.