Tunisia\'s ex-president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the first leader toppled in a wave of Arab uprisings, went on trial in his absence on Monday, accused of plundering the country among other charges. The former strongman fled to Saudi Arabia on January 14 in the face of a popular uprising against his 23-year rule and is to be tried over some 93 cases against him and his entourage. He denies any wrongdoing but could face up to 20 years in prison if found guilty of theft, drugs and weapons charges. Ben Ali\'s lawyers intend to ask the court to postpone the trial to allow them time to prepare his defence, one of his lawyers said on Sunday. His Beirut-based lawyer Akram Azoury said earlier he \"strongly denies all charges they are trying to press as he never possessed the sums of money they claimed to have found in his office.\" Monday\'s trial is only the beginning of a long legal process that may see top members of Ben Ali\'s regime in the dock over allegations including murder, torture, money laundering and trafficking of archaeological artefacts.