Israeli Occupation Forces.

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) launched raids and made three arrests in Awarta village,  south of Nablus in the West Bank at dawn on Sunday. Settlers also attacked a Palestinian vehicle with stones nearby, wounding four citizens and injuring several others.

Two Palestinian men were arrested from their homes. A third citizen, was arrested at a checkpoint near Beit Ur al-Fawqa and his house was then raided. Occupation forces also raided  the West Bank town of Azzun.

At the same time, hundreds of settlers stormed the town of Awarta, southeast of Nablus, and performed Talmudic rituals there with heavy security.

According to local sources, several buses carrying hundreds of settlers, accompanied by Israeli patrols, stormed the town after midnight, and headed towards the area of ​​religious sites (shrines).

Sources added that the settlers performed their Talmudic rites and withdrew early in the morning.

A vehicle was also attacked yesterday by settlers south of Nablus, wounding four citizens and injring others. According to security sources, four wounded citizens arrived at Rafidia hospital after settlers targeted their vehicle with stones near the junction of “Yitzhar” settlement in the West Bank.