Maj. General Abdul Fattah Younis Al Obaidi, resigned from his position as Interior Minister of Libya and said he was taking the side of the February 17th revolution which he described as just. The announcement of his resignation came one hour after Gaddafi ended his fiery speech. In his Tuesday night speech, Gaddafi had called upon revolutionists in Benghazi to release his 42-year comrade Al Obaidi. But the minister who announced his resignation one hour after Gaddafi's speech said he was in Benghazi with his new friends “the youth of revolution” who are controlling the east part of Libya. Al Obaidi called upon armed forces to support the revolution and ditch the dictator. The resignation of Al Obaidi represents a great sit back in the weakening control of Gaddafi on the executive of the government and ruling elite. Al Obaidi urged Muammar Gaddafi to repent of the killing hundreds of youth revolutionists in Benghazi and Tripoli. Al Obaidi gave an explanation for his disappearance in the past 24 hours. He said: "I left the camp of the elite forces last night with a civilian cousin of mine after I speaking to Gaddafi and urging him not to bombard Benghazi. “I told Gaddafi that no one will benefit from bombarding a city with 1 million civilians and the causalities expected from such operation will flame the revolution instead of putting it under control,” Al Obaidi said. “Fortunately, Gaddafi agreed not to conduct arial bombardment on Benghazi - an operation proposed by Gaddafi’s sons Saif Al Islam and Al Sa’edi,” he said . Al Obaidi said Gaddafi is feeling alone and would do anything to burn the country before his immanent departure. “The way I know Gaddafi for more than 40 years, I don’t think he would leave the country and might end up his life by himself or by one of those surrounding him,” he said.