Attack Yemen refugee camp.

The Office of Coordination of Relief and Humanitarian Assistance, sponsored by the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states to Yemen, has held its 26th meeting at the headquarters of King Salman Centre for Humanitarian Relief, headed by Assistant General Supervisor of the Center for Planning and Development Dr. Aqeel bin Jumban Al-Ghamdi.

The meeting strongly condemned targeting of Houthi terrorist militias last Friday a refugee camp in Hodeida province,with random rockets shelling, resulting in the death of a woman and wounding 13 people, including 8 children, in a development that caused great damage to the camp, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported.

Participants stressed the need to condemn this terrorist act by international and humanitarian organizations, calling on the international community to stand firm against this humanitarian crime carried out by the Houthi militias violating all international principles and human rights.

They also pointed out that the silence about these actions makes the militias continue to target humanitarian centers, especially that the Houthi militias have already targeted the rehabilitation center for recruits funded by King Salman Relief Center, in the governorate of Marib, and caused considerable damage to the building.

Calling on the international community to take all necessary measures to prevent the recurrence of such criminal incidents by militias targeting humanitarian centres and refugee camps, the participants stressed preventing the Houthis from hindering relief work and continuing to loot aid provided to the Yemeni people.

United Nations must shoulder its legal and humanitarian responsibilities to stand up to these Houthi crimes, which contravene international laws and humanitarian principles.

The meeting discussed preparations for the provision of relief and humanitarian support to the areas expected to be affected by the tropical storm (Liban), which is currently hitting the governorates of Socotra and Hadhramout, in Yemen, and the continuation of relief support to all Yemeni governorates, in all areas, specifically the continuation of relief support to the West Coast areas.

During the meeting, they reviewed the relief and humanitarian assistance provided during the past month, too, and what will be presented during the next phase.

The Minister of Social Affairs and Labor of Yemen, Deputy Chairman of the Yemeni Higher Relief Committee Dr. Abtaj Al-Kamal, hailed the directives of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to provide Yemen with $200 million, in a grant to the Central Bank of Yemen, in support of its financial position.

The Yemeni minister gave a comprehensive presentation on the humanitarian situation, in Yemen, and the developments of the humanitarian situation in the province of Hodeida, in particular, under the circumstances of the province as a result of the actions carried out by the Houthi militias against their population.

For their part, the representatives of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states' relief organizations participating in the meeting reiterated the GCC countries' continued support for the Yemeni people, in all aspects and the continuation of relief and humanitarian assistance to all humanitarian sectors, in Yemen.