Czech Police on Border.

The Czech Republic sent 50 police officers to Hungary on Monday to help protect the Schengen area as previously asked by Hungary in connection with the migrant crisis.

The Czech police officers will patrol together with the Hungarian police along the Hungary-Serbia border in the next two months.

Hungarian ambassador to Prague Tibor Peto said the Czech Republic is the first country to have helped Hungary in reaction to its request for help.

The Czech Republic sent police to help Hungary in the autumn of 2015 already. Their mission ended before Christmas.

Czech Police President Tomas Tuhy said the Czech Republic has pledged to help EU countries with its foreign missions.

He said they not only help their colleagues but mainly learn tackling the problem that has not hit the Czech Republic as strongly as their partners for the time being.

So far, the Czech police accomplished ten Schengen protection missions. They have operated in Greece, Slovenia and Macedonia since 2015.

Source : XINHUA