Ceasefire violations by militants reported in Syria.

Numerous ceasefire violations by militants operating in Syria’s Idlib de-escalation zone were reported in Syria’s Latakia governorate and Aleppo’s neighborhoods over the past day. One serviceman of Syrian government forces was wounded, chief of the Russian Center for reconciliation of the conflicting sides Vladimir Savchenko said on Monday.

"During the day shelling attacks were reported from the settlement of Dahr abu-Assad in the Latakia governorate, Aleppo’s Makanis al-Duwayri neighborhood and the area around the research center. One serviceman of Syrian government forces was wounded as a result of shelling in Makanis al-Duwayri," Savchenko said.

Apart from that, in his words, positions of Syrian government forces near the settlement of Tadef in the Aleppo governorate came under shelling by illegal armed groups operating near the city of al-Bab.

During the day, officers of the Russian reconciliation center conducted a humanitarian operation in the settlement of Jisrein in the Rif Dimashq governorate. A total of 1.29 tonnes of food products were distributed among civilians.

"In the past day, officers of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties helped sort out the status of 200 people who reside in areas formerly controlled by illegal armed groups. Eight pieces of firearms were surrendered," Savchenko added.

The Russian reconciliation center continues to fulfill assigned tasks after the completion of the military campaign in Syria. The center’s officers regularly travel around the country's liberated areas to assess the humanitarian situation. The main efforts of the Russian military are now focused on assistance to the refugees returning to their homes.