Astrologist predicts “No two-state soluiotn in 2017”

The Palestinian astrologist, Ibrahim Hazboun in an interview with PNN on Wednesday had shared his astrological predictions for the year of 2017. One of the most notable predictions was that there will be no two-state solution in 2017.

“There’s no war, but at the same time I dont see a Palestinian state beside an Israeli one.” Hazboun said. “At the end of 2018, there is a good chance, if both sides know how to use it everyone will be happy.”

Regarding the Palestinian political division between the two major parties, Fatah and Hamas, Hazboun said that it “depends on the palestinian leadership, especially that the Poeple want peace, and when you get that, there must be a good change in the area.”

As for the US elections and the Trump administration moving the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem, Hazboun said that Trump “is a serious man and may do it. However, since he is interested in doing something that history will remember, I think he will work for peace between the two sides, but dont expect it to happen within one or two years.”

source :PNN