Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan and President Michel Aoun.

Visiting Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stressed on Saturday his country's support to Lebanon, vowing to work within the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) in order to maintain security and stability in the southern part of the country.
The Lebanese Presidency said in a statement today that Pashinyan during his meeting with Lebanese President Michel Aoun emphasized the importance of boosting bilateral ties especially in the economic field.
They worked on activating the task of the joint governmental committee for developing cooperation in various domains, to better serve the interests of both nations and peoples.
Pashinyan expressed is country's support to Lebanon's decision to establish an academy of humanity for dialogue, regarding its distinguished role in activating dialogue between various religions, civilizations and cultures.
Aoun also stressed the importance of the agreements signed between his country and Armenia, calling for conducting all the pending agreements soon.
The Armenian premier arrived in Beirut, accompanied by a high-level delegation in an official two-day visit during which he will be meeting senior Lebanese officials.