The city of Tangier is currently preparing

The city of Tangier is currently preparing to host the fifth edition of the Europe-Orient Documentary Film Festival which will be held September 19 to 23, offering its inhabitants and visitors a chance to enjoy a variety of documentary films.

The festival, taking place in the Boukmakh cultural center, aims to shed light on the culture of the documentary films and develop Moroccans’ artistic and aesthetic taste for cinema through conferences, exhibitions, workshops, and projections of films, according to the event’s press release.

Ten Arab and foreign documentary films have been selected to take part in the festival’s official competition, hoping to obtain five prizes: Ibn Battota Grand Prize, Ibn Battota Directing Award, Ibn Battota Scenario Award, Ibn Battota Uniqueness Award, and The National Company for Radio and TV (SNRT) Award.

A meeting with the well-known Dutch filmmaker Robert Hof is also scheduled at the event as a master class workshop, as well as other celebrities in the field of documentary production.

The event, intending to engender cultural communication between the organizers and those interested in documentary films, will honor numerous Moroccan and international filmmakers contributing to the improvement of the field.

The fifth edition, under the theme of ‘For a Windows Common Living’, is organized by the Moroccan Association for Media Studies and Documentary films, in partnership with the Moroccan Cinematographic Center (CCM), the Council of the Moroccan Community Living Abroad (CCME) , the National Company for Radio and TV public-broadcasting (SNRT), and supported by the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Region, Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Prefecture, urban municipality of Tangier, Tangier-Asilah Provincial council, and the county of Meghogha, Bny Makada, and Tangier Medina.
