The Lower House of Parliament condemned a film by the Israeli foreign ministry showing a collapsing Dome of the Rock being replaced by the alleged temple. The House denounced in a statement issued on Wednesday the continued Israeli racist practices against Palestine and its people as well as the Islamic and Christian holy sites, mainly the continued violations against Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dom of the Rock in occupied Jerusalem. “These practices that violate all international laws and agreements reflect the fortress mentality of the Israeli racist, Zionist and arrogant politicians as well as the intention of the Israeli authorities of Judaize Jerusalem,” the statement added. The statement called on all international organizations and institutions to condemn the film as provocative to the feelings of Muslim, adding it threatens security, peace and stability in the region and the world. The House valued efforts of His Majesty King Abdullah II at all international forums as well as the Hashemites’ commitment to protect the Islamic and Christian holy sites in Palestine in general and in Jerusalem in particular.