Yousef (Yusef Wahbi) forsakes his life by devoting himself entirely to his books and writing after discovers his beloved has been having an affair. When his cousin Laila (Laila Mourad) comes and stays in his house after she finishes her studies, her presence brings joy to the whole household and Yousef finds happiness once again. However, Yousef does not see Laila as a grown women, he simply thinks of her as his little cousin. When Yousef meets Meemee (Meemee Shkeeb), a promiscuous girl, Meemee convinces Yousef that she is in love with him, maintaining the act until he finally marries her. The story unravels when Laila discovers that Meemee is having an affair with another man. Should Laila tell Yousef about her feelings for him and reveal his wife\'s betrayal, or should she keep the secret in order to protect him from further heartache that would destroy his life and career. From / Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi