Iranian film Parviz, a dark comedy directed by Majid Barzegar, bagged the coveted Suvarna Chakorama (Golden Pheasant Award) at the 18th International Film Festival of Kerala held in Thiruvananthapuram, capital of Kerala state. A cash prize of 150,000 Indian Rupees and a trophy was awarded to the Iranian filmmaker during a ceremony in the presence of the global film personalities, the Islamic republic news agency reported. Argentine movie Errata, directed by young filmmaker Ivan Vescovo won Rajatha Chakoram (Silver Pheasant Award) in the debut film category and Fipresci award for best foreign film. Bengali movie Meghe Dhaka Tara by Kamalesh Mukherjee was adjudged the ‘Rajatha Chakoram’ in the best director category and also bagged Netpac (network for promotion of Asian cinema) award for best Asian film. Malayalam movies Kanyaka Talkies by K R Manoj and Crime No: 89 by Sudevan bagged Fipresci and Netpac awards in the Malayalam movie category, while 101 Questions by Siddharth Shiva was selected the best film by audience. More than 200 films from various countries were exhibited during the eight day event.