Fifteen film projects from 14 countries have been selected to take part in this year\'s Cannes Film Festival\'s \"Atelier 2013\", a statement said on Tuesday. The Atelier, now in its ninth year, offers the producers and directors of short and medium-length films the opportunity to make vital contacts that can help them get their films made. Of 126 projects that have taken part in the past eight years, 83 have gone on to be completed and 29 are currently in pre-production, it said. This year\'s selection includes projects from Chile, China, Egypt, India, Mexico and South Africa. Run by the Cannes Festival Cinefondation, it aims to encourage the emergence of a new generation of filmmakers. The Cinefondation selection forms part of the Official Selection. The selected films are presented to the Cinefondation and Shorts Jury which awards a prize to the best three at an official ceremony.