Film 'The Interview'

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has asked Cambodia to prevent the sales and screening of a controversial comedy about an assassination plot against DPRK's leader Kim Jong Un, saying that the movie insults Kim.
In a letter to Cambodian Information Minister Khieu Kanharith early this week and released to the media on Sunday, Cambodian Foreign Secretary of State Long Visalo said the DPRK embassy to Phnom Penh has sent a diplomatic note to Cambodia's Foreign Ministry on Jan. 8 explaining that "The Interview" has been downloaded from Internet and put on sales in some markets in Cambodia.
"The DPRK considers this action as a conspiracy by a hostile force which may lead to the damage of traditional ties between the two countries," Visalo said.
"The DPRK embassy to Phnom Penh asks Cambodia to take action to stop the sales of this movie and requests not to broadcast the film on television channels or to screen it in cinemas in Cambodia, " he said.
Sony Picture Entertainment released the controversial film "The Interview" online on Dec. 24 last year. The comedy depicts the assassination plot of DPRK's leader Kim Jong Un by American journalists played by actors Seth Rogen and James Franco.
The film, which prompted a cyberattack on Sony Picture Entertainment, was available at Google Play, YouTube Movies, Microsoft's Xbox Video and a Sony site.