Lebanese Singer Elissa

You were a judge on the previous version of The X Factor two years ago. How is your experience with the new MBC incarnation? As a successful singer, how do you benefit from participating in such shows?

I think artists who appear as judges benefit from such talent shows from all aspects, to be honest: both in terms of exposure and financially. Although I have been involved in The X Factor with another network, I do feel this version with MBC is like a totally new show. It feels fresh and I feel like I now have a lot more experience and knowledge when it comes to spotting talent.

The chemistry you share with fellow judges Ragheb Alama and Donia­ Samir Ghanem appears genuine. Have you signed up to return next season?

I would consider it, because I really enjoyed my first season here and I enjoy my time with my fellow judges. Also, I just want to say that the quality of the show is strong because of the contestants and not the judges. We have some great talent this season and they are really responsible for the show’s strength.

You recently released a video to your new single Ya Merayti that deals with the topic of domestic violence in Lebanese society. What made you decide to release the song?

That clip came out a year after the album was out and, to be honest, the idea came from the video’s director and she was initially scared to talk to me about it. But at the end of the day, I am a Lebanese citizen and the news that I see regarding the abuse of women in our society really affected me. I feel like I have a responsibility to contribute to this debate in whatever way I can and I am glad I did. The video turned out great and I really feel I gave my best performance. I am glad it resonated with so many people.

You have achieved a lot in your career in terms of album sales and being a big live drawing card. Is there anything left you want to fulfil, music-wise?

I have been successful and I am very grateful about it. But the success that you see and what people read in the papers is different from how I see it. I see myself as a normal person who wants to keep challenging myself to develop and aim higher. When I release a successful album, I am happy for about two to three months and then I am back to normal and I am thinking about my next album. I don’t want to be in a position where I take my success for granted. I always want to keep growing artistically.

Are there any songs by other artists that you are a fan of?

I have to say I am really taken with Al Ma’alem by Saad Lamjarred. That song now makes it three hits in a row for Lamjarred. He is really doing big things at the moment.

What are your predictions on who will take The X Factor crown on Saturday?

I would like Hind Ziadi to win, of course, not only because she is on my team but also because she has this great energy and range to her voice. But at the same time, I won’t be upset if she doesn’t win.

Other than Ziadi, who do you think can win the competition?

Just to show you that I am not totally biased, I think it would be Hamza Hawsawi from Saudi Arabia because he is also very talented. But that’s my opinion.
Source: The National