Egyptian star Sharihan

Egyptian star Sharihan Prominent Egyptian star Sharihan denied being harassed during her participation in the protests that took place on May 27, 2011 in Cairo’s Tahrir Square. The star had made it a point to be

part of the protests that were demanding the downfall of the now ousted government in Egypt.

Sharihan stressed that what had occurred at the time was merely fans wanting to greet her and not people attempting to harass her.
A number of internet web pages had posted a video of Sharihan during the protests being accompanied by bodyguards fighting off crowds of people from getting close to her, but all their attempts failed and Sharihan was stuck amidst chaos.
The official spokesperson for Sharihan Jamal Anwar said in an official press release that the incident was far from being a harassment incident. He stated that what happened is crowds of fans attempted to get close to Sharihan to greet her and have their pictures taken with her as she was leaving Tahrir Square.