Egyptian actress Abeer Sabry

Egyptian actress Abeer Sabry revealed that her new TV drama show “Captain Bayoumi” discusses fanaticism in sports, saying that it is a light work, while underlines one of the major social problems facing the Egyptian community. She stressed that it is the role of art to discuss the social problems in light ways.

Regarding criticism against her show “Strong Women”, Sabry said that the staff exerts a lot of efforts during this work, stressing that it is impossible for any work to gain the acceptance of all people. She added that the series was not aiming to insult the Egyptian women or the servants in the houses, while it underlined the negative side of these categories.

The Egyptian actress stressed, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that she is always keen to choose her roles carefully, stressing that she does not hesitate to accept any work if it was written well. She praised the Egyptian actress Ghada Abdel Raziq, saying that she participated with her in a number of works, including “The First Lady”. She stressed that it is not problem to work with specific superstar for many times.

She described herself as the daughter of Egypt’s cinema, saying that she presented a large number of films that discussed critical issues in the Egyptian community, including the extremist groups, the smugglers, in addition to the light movies which also discussed the problems between couples.

She stressed her keenness to follow the different artistic and political developments witnessed in the country, saying that she is lucky for dealing with a number of superstars, including actor Samir Ghanem and Nour Al Sherif. She added that she is keen to follow the international news channels, praising her study of law.

She added that she is prepared to respond to any questions regarding her study, stressing that she is always reading the books of law. She stressed that the cooking is her favorite hobby, expressing her love to all Egyptian food.

She also praised the performance of Egypt’s national team, saying that it managed to achieve positive results during the recent Africa Cup of Nations held in Gabon, stressing the need for giving priority to the ascent to the coming World Cup that will be held in Russia in 2018.