Egyptian actress Jihan khalil

Egyptian actress Jihan khalil revealed that she will not participate in any drama work during the coming drama season of Ramadan, saying that she will follow the drama works scheduled to be presented during the coming Ramadan.

She added that the reason behind her absence from the coming drama season is that she is extremely preoccupied in two new drama shows scheduled to be presented during 2018, including "Forbidden Love" and "Beyond Sun".

She revealed that the two new shows are long as they are composed of 60 episodes. She added that the new works need increasing efforts to meet the expectations of her fans in all over the Arab world. She stressed that she respects her fans, considering them as the major standard upon which she assesses her performance.

She stressed that she is keen to follow the reactions of her fans in each work in which she participates whether in social media or in the street to assess her success. She stressed that she givesthe priority to the fans' reactions in this regard.

She added that her roles in her new works are extremely different from the roles she performed before. She stressed her keenness to diversify her roles, saying that each actor should perform different roles not to limit himself in specific roles and to meet the expectations of large category of fans in all over the Arab world.

Regardin her participation in "Beyond Sun", she said that what attracted her to participate in this work is the good scenario that is written in professional way. She added that she is confident that that the drama show will achieve high popularity among the fans in all over the Arab world.

However, she said, "Forbidden Love" presents her in a very different role if compared to the other roles she performed before. Sherevealed that she performs a role of a hostess. She added that the new work discusses social issues in dramatic framework,  saying that it will achieve notable success among the fans. 

She praised her participation in the drama work "Spotlight" on which She participated during the latest drama season of Ramadan before Egyptian superstar Hany Salama. She added that she received increasing positive reactions for her role, expressing her appreciation to the fans who supported her since the beginning of her career as an actress.