Julia Kassar

Julia Kassar Beirut – Suhaila Kayali Acclaimed Lebanese actor Julia Kassar tells Arabstoday that she wishes Lebanese television productions would regain their place as the best of Arab entertainment. We sat down for an interview with Kassar and this is what she said: Q. How do you describe your last experience in television through the "Al-Shahroura" series? A. It was a perfect experience, by all measures. I loved the character I played in the series. I considered it as a strong return for me on the small screen, after a long absence for several reasons that could not be helped. I also loved all the actors and actresses in the series. All were perfect, and the success of the series was the evidence of that. Q. How do you justify your absence from the small screen? A. My absence was restricted to television, but generally I was there in the theatre and the cinema, in addition to the academic education, where I am lecturing at the Institute of Fine Arts, department of acting and directing. I just prefer certain works than others. I accept "Al-Shahroura" series offer because I found that it fits me. Q. However, there are other reasons seemed to be behind keeping away, perhaps your academic work? A. Unfortunately, there are no longer roles worthy of the Lebanese artist. Frankly speaking the offered works for me were below expectation and I could not see myself in them. That's the reason behind rejecting the offers. I am calling all writers, with love and respect, to look for more serious and meaningful works, and let's move away from imitation. We are lacking professionalism. Q. Where do you find yourself as an actress? A. I find myself in the theatre and cinema. As for television, we lack logical and real dramas. We need a real reflection for the Lebanese community and not a specific segment for it. Q. In your opinion, what do we lack in order to impose ourselves in the Arab drama? A. We lack nothing, and we lack lots of things at the same time. In brief, we lack the drama industry; however, we have a lot of talents including directors and writers. Hence, professionalism and seriousness are what we lack. Why just talk of the Arab drama! We are able to enter the European drama as well, what prevents us? Q. Are we going to see you on the small screen soon? A. I hope so. I love the small screen audience. However, we are still in need of good work. Q. What is new with you? A. I am one of those who do not reveal things; however, I am preparing to perform a new play along with Aida Sabra. Always, I return to theatre (laughs).