Hanan Metawe happy for cooperating with Hind Sabry

Egyptian actress Hanan Metawe expressed her pleasure for the success of the drama shows in which she participated during the latest drama season of Ramadan, including “Life Sweetness”, “This Night” and “Spotlight”, saying that she received increasing positive reactions for the roles she performed during the three works.
She stressed that it was a great opportunity to cooperate with a number of actors for the first time, including Tunisian actress Hind Sabry, saying, “It makes me proud to participate in such great work. She stressed that she accepted to participate in this show, as she was aspiring to perform a comedy role. She added that the large number of superstars who participated in the drama work supported her for accepting the role.
She said that the TV drama show managed to attract the audience during the drama season of Ramadan. She stressed that the fans’ reactions to the series surpassed her expectations whether social media networks or direct interaction with fans in the streets.
She expressed her pleasure for the positive reactions she received for her role in “Life Sweetness” presented during the latest drama season of Ramadan. She described the drama show as a call for optimism regardless of conditions the people could face in their lives.
She added that  received a number of offers to participate in long drama shows, while she apologized for not participating in any of them, as she suffers from exhaustion since her participation in three drama show during the latest drama season of Ramadan.
She added that she will not participate in more than one drama work during the coming season of Ramadan, saying that she needs to give more time to her family. She stressed her keenness to choose her works carefully to meet the expectations of her fans in all over the Arab world.
She added that she has not signed any contracts to participate in any drama works during the coming season of Ramadan, adding that she has not received any suitable offer to participate in cinema. She also ruled out participating in any theatrical performances during the coming period.
Egyptian actress Hanan Metawea revealed that she received a number of offers to participate in long drama shows, while she apologized for not participating in any of them, as she suffers from exhaustion since her participation in three drama show during the latest drama season of Ramadan.